Traveling from Abuja to Uyo by Road

Abuja to Uyo by road

If you are looking to travel from Abuja to Uyo by road, you have several options available. The journey is estimated to take approximately 6 hours and 30 minutes if the average speed is 109 km/hr. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information you need to know about the price of traveling from Abuja to Uyo by road.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bus from Abuja to Uyo

When choosing a bus from Abuja to Uyo, there are several factors to consider, including your budget, the convenience of the bus, proximity to your home, and the route. You should choose a transport company that offers a price range you can afford, has comfortable seating arrangements, and has a terminal close to where you live. Additionally, you should consider the route that the transport company takes to ensure that it is convenient for you.

Where do you find Buses to Uyo?

Finding Uyo bound buses is easy, as there are several companies that offer road transport services from Abuja to Uyo. You can find Uyo buses that travel from Abuja to Uyo at any of the following terminals: Kubwa Terminal Abuja, Bash Karm Plaza 227, Kubwa Abuja, Gado Nasko Road close to the first bank Kubwa, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory.

What is the Cost of a Bus Ticket from Abuja to Uyo?

The cost of a bus ticket from Abuja to Uyo costs an average of 20,000 NGN on, depending on the transport company and the category/type of bus used for the journey. However, this is subject to change by the specific transport company.


Promise Land Dirver is an interstate transport company that offers rides between Abuja, Uyo and other states.

Below are their Abuja to Uyo route information:

  • Price: 20,000 NGN,
  • Vehicle Type: Sienna car with AC,
  • Departure time: 7 AM,
  • Departure Terminal: Utako Abuja

Travel Time and Factors That Affect your trip

The travel time from Abuja to Uyo by road is approximately 6 hours 30 minutes, depending on several factors such as the condition of the road on the route taken and traffic caused by various reasons ranging from accidents to road repairs.

Packing and Food Tips for the Journey

When packing for your journey, pack light to avoid carrying heavy bags on the bus. If you have to carry heavy bags, arrive at the bus park about an hour earlier than the tentative take-off time, so you and the transport company assistants can figure out the best way to cram your luggage into the bus. Your carry-on should be a backpack or a large handbag, since you can easily drop either on the floor of the bus if you get tired of carrying it on your lap.

Accommodation and Tourist Places in Uyo

When it comes to food, the bus usually makes a stop at Makurdi, where you will find sufficient food items if you decide not to bring some from home. It is advisable to eat light or not at all if you have a sensitive stomach, as the only bathroom option available to you after the stop is the bushes by the roadside.
There are several tourist places and hotels in Uyo that visitors can stay in, regardless of their budget. For comfort, convenience, and security, we recommend KINIZ Luxury Apartments, which offers free WiFi, a restaurant, an outdoor swimming pool, and a bar.

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Travel Tips for a Comfortable Journey

Some travel tips to keep in mind include getting a seat right beside the window if you can, preparing for weather changes by carrying a big scarf or sweater, expecting stretches of bumpy roads, sleeping your way through most of the trip, keeping your carry-on bag close to you at all times, and reading signposts to get your bearings. If you need advice or help when you get to your stop, ask the driver or other passengers for help, and make sure you keep someone at home or at your destination abreast of your progress via text or phone call.

Overall, traveling from Abuja to Uyo by road can be an exciting, convenient, and affordable way to get to your destination.

Read also: How much does a trip from Abuja to Lagos cost

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