From Challenging Journeys to Seamless Travel – A Tale Of A Former Corps Member

Book Ride to NYSC orientation camp

Road to Umunya Camp

It was the year 2012, and I found myself embarking on a life-changing journey to Umunya NYSC orientation camp. The camp was located in Anambra State. It is about a 10-hour journey to my hometown. I was really excited for the opportunity to serve my fatherland. And I was also ecstatic about the adventure that lay ahead. Meanwhile, the prospect of reaching Umunya Camp was nothing short of a challenging odyssey. There is no straight to camp ride! 😰

The Journey Ahead

Like many corps members, I had heard stories of the trek to camp. I was also familiar with the narrative of numerous transfers from one bus to another during transit. My mind reeled from uncertainty to the hours of travel just to get there. It was an adventure of its own—not quite the adventure I had in mind. And there, in the midst of my worries, I reached out to one of my “egbon adugbos”, who had served in the eastern part of Nigeria, for some guidance.

Not only that. I placed calls to my fellow graduates at my school to get the first-hand travel gist of any available straight-to-camp rides. Ideas flew like confetti at a carnival, each one as uncertain as the last. My experience, is slightly different from others. I have to embark on a 50-minute journey to Ibadan just to catch a bus to Onitsha and then, another to Umunya, where the NYSC Orientation Camp is situated. There was no luxury of online bookings to road travel as revolutionized by T40 Technologies through Intercity.

Fast forward to the present time, and I find myself reminiscing about those days, especially when I think about today’s prospective corps members – Otondos, as we were called them in camp– things are lot better now. Unlike my time, when we faced the challenges and uncertainties of reaching camp through crude means and reliance on elderly ones who had experience the same ordeal. Corps members now have an incredibly convenient solution at their fingertips – has transformed the journey to camp for corps members in Nigeria. Now, there’s no need for the uncertainty, the transfers, or the hours of travel. With, you can book your bus or car ride straight to camp, ensuring a convenient and comfortable journey.

Read : Travel Guide to NYSC Orientation Camp

Here are some benefits of booking straight to camp on


No more multiple transfers and long waits. With, you can book your ride from your location directly to NYSC Orientation Camp, making your journey convenient and stress-free.


Say goodbye to crowded and uncomfortable rides. ensures that corps members travel in comfort, with spacious and well-maintained vehicles.


Your safety is a priority. verifies all drivers and vehicles, giving you peace of mind throughout your journey.


Save valuable time with direct bookings. No more detours or waiting for buses; you can reach camp in a more efficient manner.

Affordability: offers cost-effective options, so you don’t have to break the bank to get to camp. There is constant ride discounts for corps members especially for this trip.

Dear Corps members, times have changed, and so has the journey to camp. is your reliable partner, ensuring that your NYSC experience starts with a stress-free and comfortable ride. Embrace the convenience, comfort, and safety provides and make your journey to the Orientation Camps as memorable as your service year itself.

No more tales of challenging odysseys – schedule a ride to with, and let’s handle your journey to camp – smooth ride, just as it should be.